Created: 1997-01-07, Last update: 1997-03-30, Author: Holger Blasum, URL:, Parent:
8. Literature 参考文献
Note: Due to a little error in reference handling,
some references denoted with "1995 actually might date from
1994-96; in case of conflict refer to volume numbers which should
be always correct. Many copies of articles concerning the
Qinghai-Tibet plateau and general arctic grasslands have been
stored at the materials room, Grassland Lab, Dept. Biotechnology,
Sichuan University and those concerning rhizobia have been returned
to the Zhang Xiaoping group at Sichuan Agricultural University,
Yaan. For articles on NW Sichuan in general cf. Kham Booklist, if you want to order some of the
articles, refer to
for online resources.
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