Moore's 1966 "Interval analysis" first order approximation swiginac/python implementation and k-th order example C implementation. Content: The subdirectory linear contains the hardcoded example dy/dx=-0.12164*y(x), choice of parameters motivated by the atmospheric pressure equation at 281 K, this does not use swiginac. The subdirectory general. This uses swiginac and contains the the firstorder method (works). The subdirectory difeq contains the hardcoded Moore example dy/dx=y(x)^2 in C, it follows the Moore flow-chart. The subdirectory ysquare contains the hardcoded Moore example dy/dx=y(x)^2 in python. This does not use swiginac (and this is probably buggy). Context: "Proof interpretations and applications", Diploma thesis, Acknowledgment: Help on swiginac usage questions in July 2006 on the swiginac mailing list ( is thanked for.