Interactions Science - Politics
Example: CFCs (氯氟烃)/@Roan 1988
Science (S) Ecomomy (E) Policy (P) International (I)
1950s(S)rocket measurements show amount of ozone present in
stratosphere is lower than expected
1970(S)Crutzen(Univ Stockholm)speculates nitrous oxides might keep
atmospheric ozone levels low
1970(S)Lovelock(UK) casually detects high CFC concentrations in air
with his newly invented gas chromatograph;nobody worries about
1971-72(P) debate on whether nitrous oxides from supersonic jets
might destroy ozone layer
Dec73(S)by some gas chemisty calculations, Rowland and Molina (Univ
of California,Irvine) accidentally find out that CFCs can destroy
ozone in the stratosphere and computing the amount of CFCs released
find out this happens very fast
Jun74(S)This discovery is published in Nature
Sep74(S)First public discussion iof the paper at the American
Chemical Society meeting in Atlantic City
Oct74(P)Government comittee recomends that the National Academy of
Sciences condcut a study on the validity of the CFC-ozone
May75(P/S)CFC theory is hotly debated at the American Cemical
Soceity meeting in Philadelphia
Jun75(P)The Natural Resources Defense Council sues the Consumer
Product SAfeey Commission for a ban on CFCusd in aerosol spray cans
(rerjected in July for insufficient evidence)
Jun75(E)Johnson Wax,the nation's fifth largest producer of aerosol
sprays,announces it will stop using CFCs in its products
Jun75(E)Oregon becomes the first state to ban CFCs in aerosol
Sept76(S)NATional Academy of Science releases report verifying the
Rowland-Molina hypothesis, but says government action on CFC
regulations should be postponed
Mar77(P/I)First United Nations Environmental Program meeting on
ozone depletion
May77-Oct78(P) CFCs in aerosols are banned in the US
Jul77(S)Anderson(HArvard) looking for data finds an abnormally high
level of chlorine oxide in the atmosphere, throwing the CFC-ozone
calculations in question
Feb78(P)US government decides to postpone ban in refrigeration,air
condiotioning,solvents and other industrial processes
Nov79(S)A second NAS report on the ozone theory is published,
putting depletion estimates at 16.5% and saying "wait-and-see"
approach to regulate is not practical
Apr80(P) EPA (Carter administration) poposes to freeze CFC
production at 1979 levels
May81(P) new EPA (Reagan administration) Burford director nominee
testifies she thinks the CFC-ozone theory is highly
Mar82(S)A third NAS report on the ozone theory is published,
putting depletion estimates at 5-9%
Mar83(P) new EPA director thinks of reviewing plans on ozone
Apr83(P/I) Scandinavian countries submit plans for world-wide ban
on CFCs in aerosols
Feb84(S)A fourth NAS report on the ozone theory is published,
putting depletion estimates so low as at 2-4%
Jun84(S)Rowland reports calculations on chlorine nitrate which
could speed up ozone depletion
Oct84(S)Joe Farman (British Antarctic Survey) confirms a 40% ozone
loss over Antartica during the austral spring (accidentally
discovered in 1982;confirmed 83-84;published Nature May85)
Mar85(P/I)Vienna convention calls for international research, butr
fails on worldwide CFC regulations
Aug85(S)NASA shows satellite photos confirming the existence of an
ozone hole over Antartica since 1979 (the data had been neglected
Jan86(S)NASA-UNEP report warns change to atmosphere is apparent
Jun86(E)CFC manufactures suggest substutes might be possible for a
high enough price
Sep86-Sep87(S)Antartic ozone expedition, based an stratospheric
data, blames chlorine for ozone depletion
Jul87(P)State Department announces a Persoanl Protection plan
(sunmilk) as alterntive to CFC reduction, widely ridiculed.
Sep(16)1987(P/I)Montreal Protocol signed, calling for eventual
worldwide CFC reductions of 50 percent (30% to 1995,another 20%
till 2000)
Mar88(E)Three weeks after insisting to stop making CFCs for the
last time, DuPont Company (having been heavily criticized by
environmental groups) eventually changes its policy and announces
it will cease to produce CFCs as substitues become available
Apr-Jun88(S)Ramanathan(Science April 15th) and Hansen/NASA link
CFCs to greenhouse effect
Jun(27-29)1990(P/I)London conference agrees on 100% reduction in
fully halogenated CFC production to 2000
Oct95(S,P)Crutzen, Molinas and Rowland get Nobel prize for