Created: 1997-04-30, Last update: 2020-03-07, Author: Holger Blasum, URL:, Parent:
DBLP database; github. In addition/additional info:
- Formal Specification of a Generic Separation Kernel (Isabelle Archive of Formal Proof, Coauthor of Verbeek et al.)
- On Two Models of Noninterference: Rushby and Greve, Wilding, and Vanfleet (SAFECOMP 2014, coauthor of Garcia Ramirez et al.)
- DO-178C Compliance of Verisoft Formal Methods (ERTS2, 2012), for an (independent) discussion of others related to the content of the paper (the DO-178 FM supplement is called DO-333 now) see also the HI-LITE archives
- From a DO-178B Certified Separation Kernel to Common Criteria Security Certification (SAE Aerotech Toulouse, 2011)
- Proving Memory Separation in a Microkernel by Code Level Verification (ISORC/AMICS, 2011)
- Ingredients of Operating System Correctness (Embedded World Conference, 2010)
- Formal verification of a microkernel used in dependable software systems (Safecomp, 2009)
- Better avionics software reliability by code verification (Embedded World Conference, 2009)
- Gcov on an embedded system (GREPS workshop Brasov 2007)
- butterprover (2007), really small propositional prover
- g4tweak (2006), tweak g4-compressed scans
- Some brief notices on dynamic slicing of provers (2006)
- Per Kommandozeile in die Stadtsparkasse (Munich Open Source Infotainment Day 2004, in German)
Using LDAP from Java+Tomcat and Python+Zope (GUUG Bochum talk 2003, de, local copy).
- c42pdf, (1999-) a fast TIFF to PDF converter
- COWBOY.TAP Cowboy text adventure for ZX Spectrum (1986, fraternal credits to Robert for finding and restoring this from an 1980s audio tape making a fine 2008 birthday surprise ...)
Other writings (mathematics, biology) also include pointers to code.