Wild legumes, vetch inoculation, and rhizobial taxonomy in Xiaman farm, eastern edge of the Qinghai-Tibet plateau
MS Thesis by Holger Blasum (Bai Honglie)
Grassland Lab, Biotechnology Department, Sichuan Union University, Chengdu 610064, PR CHINA; January 1997
Tutor: Professor Liu Shigui
Ass. tutors: Assoc. Prof. Zeng Ying, Dr. Zhou Jiming
Chinese version
This work is dedicated to my parents Rainer and Anne Blasum , my parents-in-law Liu Chengzhi and Sun Aifang and to my wife Liu Yunmei.
This work is published under Open Content License: Feel free to use and copy
DATASET data????
DATASET.FER vetch fertilization plot dataҰ?㶹ʩ??????
DATASET.RHI rhizobial strains??????????
DATASET.SEL published selective media or numerical taxonomiesÇ°?Ë·?????Ñ¡?????????????????Ý·???
DATASET.TAX strain data for rhizobial taxonomy??????????????????
DATASET.TRA legume transect sampling data????Ö²???Ö²?????????
DATASET.TUY soil samples????
MEDIUM.ALL media used???õ???????
PROG program source code????(Ô??)
PROG_LAB.PRG + PROG_LA.PRG using transect data to label herbarium specimen???????????Æ±í±¾????
PROG_GC.PRG screening for selective mediumɸѡѡ??????????
PROG_CLU.C cluster analysis????????
PROG_SLO.C calculating slopes from height lines??ͬ?????????¶?
FENLEI.F dataset for cluster analysis?????????õ?????
STA.H + MY.H header files for most of the C programsC??????ͷ?ļ?
PROG_REF.C English/Chinese reference manager??Ӣ?IJο????׹???
RR.R + R.R header files for PROG_REF.C?õ?ͷ?ļ?
XIAPLANT botany at XiamanϽ????ֲ??ѧ
XIAPLANT.ALL list of Xiaman higher plantsϽ???ߵ?ֲ??Ŀ¼
XIAPLANT.FAB artificial key to Xiaman legumes?ʺϵ??ض???ֲ????????
XIAPLANT.MY list of species included in the transect data???????ݵ?ֲ????ϸ????
XIAPLANT.POA artificial key to Xiaman grasses (Chinese only)?ʺϵ??غ̱???ֲ???ļ?????
XIAPLANT.WEE some data on weeds in vetch experiment?й??㶹????ʵ???Ӳݵ?????
MUMIN ethnobotany of Hongyuan nomads??Ô????????Ö²??ѧ
NOMADBOT.CHI report in Chinese???ı???
NOMADBOT.ENG report in EnglishӢ?ı???
DATASET.NOM original dataÔ??????
OUT.ASC table of answers?Ø´???
VIEWLEG.PRG generates???? OUT.ASC
DIAOCHA.JUA original questions??????
From left to right: Dr.
Zhou Jiming, Prof. Liu Shigui, Holger Blasum
Tibetan nomad in Xiaman
grassland (photo by Andreas Gruneberg)